Yeah! you might notice my hobby site ( doesn't get new article updates or news recently but instead i'd like to post a quick short updates via my Twitter account and post more Youtube videos. I had few cool article lined up ready for publishing but i would like to spend more time away from the screen enjoying myself with projects and activities than spending my time on digital world because i need my reality check know getting old make me appreciate life more. Enjoy and relaxing is all big time right now...cycling, building cool projects, modelling and recently repurpose my old phone into some game console and mini! Stuff like this keeps me busy. Everyone should take a break like living back in the good old 90's like the days before internet start to keep us so 'entitled' these days. Chill man! Ironically i spend more time in
the kitchen lately because since the pandemic season keeps us all at home what else best than experimenting great cooking recipe, lol. Don't worry i'm still in good shape even after lots of yummy protien consumption and standing idle with the controller in hands because the two wheels still keeps me burning all day. Hey! just check my twitter if you wanted to be sure and i'll promise to post an article on my website soon. Cheers.