Many of us enthusiast R/C modeler love to collect models that are released back during childhood days. Other than model's unique retro style engineering mechanical quirks and aesthetic quality most of us including my self bought these 30 year old Tamiya models because back then as a kid i couldn't afford it. Now as we aged and ecomonically well done we reward ourself with these. Its like 'Carrot and stick' methodology. We toil hard, waited for years and finally rights to earn the rewards for living through. Plus rewarding ourself things we couldn't afford in the past by acquired the same models we used to drool behind the glass as a kid is very mentally satisfying hence bear nostalgic feeling. For example as an 8 year self back then in mid 1980's i love the TAMIYA MONSTER BEETLE R/C model which i can only experience it by looking at magazines, behind hobby shop glass windows and printed hobby journals..its expensive and my family
couldn't afford it. But 30 years later with the re-release of this model this grants me back those childhood wishes that i never had..and now i have it in my arms. Although aquired these 'toys' sound materialistic in public view but for us its all about appreciating and rewarding our long journey of shows i've successfully live long to where i am now. When ever i get back home and see this models on my shelf i always reminds! 30 long years! i've through lots of great and sweet memories!. That's journey of life right there! ..i'm smilling with sweet wrinkles. Can't wait to see what future holds for me.