Everyday is an eye candy moments!... More than decades ago whenever i fly my long range FPV planes or multirotored drones the visual i captured are mostly from normal perspective views like what normal people would see everyday aka '3D persepctive mode'... nothing impressive nor anything of artistic value. After i got my broken HUBSAN ZINO replaced with pocket size portable DJI MINI 2 my interest into the 'Art of aerial photography' started to make a shift, 'Abstract Aerial Photography' is very eye candy! I was like "Wow! I didn't know at this angle the scene looks so amazing and very geometically balanced!". I discovered colours of life, nature's geometrics and see things more differently in hidden beauty. Looks like i ended up became aerial photography fanatic! I used ignore putting effort into serious aerial photography because my main hobby has always been just build custom FPV/drones, fly it and discover remote rural places only just to fill in the urge to come up with new build
models. I just simply fly just to full fill; "i've been there". Now i appreciate the art and colors of urban and nature abstract photography. You don't have to go distances places to find hidden 'visual treasures', you'll just have to lookit at different angle of things and enhance the visual perspective. Its all right under your nose where you stand. Somewhere out there's a ' hidden beauty' waiting to be discovered at the right time and moments!
DJI MINI 2 photo gallery link: