Yeah! l love bike commuting to work daily. Its been like that since i earned my job after graduation in early 2000. Its because the freedom and fun wondering random places before and after work than driving my 'hassle' big black sedan car. Everyday i felt like an adventurer and office seems to be like transit point to relax like a Pit Stop point. Lot of people wanted to join the bike commuting bandwagon but felt reluctant due to hassle to clean off their sweats and dirt off their body especially when there's no proper bathroom in the office. Of course all office have normal hand washing basin which is enough for a good wet wipes. How do you make sure you don't smell and feel gunky all over our bodies after the ride? How do you take bath in the office?
Here's what i did:
- Take a full bath at home before ride bicycle to work even you'll ended up getting poured by heavy rain and splat around by dirt and muds from the road.
- Then when you reached at office you can wash all your body with a simple wipe from wet towels mix with soap or a full light wash from small bucket water from toilet stall without needing a full bath.
- Then put some fresh and nice smell deodorant. If you do that you won't smell much even when you sweat. So in summary you get two types of bath; full and simple ones.
The reason why we must take bath before ride is because we need to get rid of the bacteria of our body. Facts; we have more bacterias in bedroom than out on the road. Bacterias are the one causes much smells and sticky oils on our bodies. Most bacteria will accumulate on our skins during sleeping. When we sleep our skins secretes sweats and oily sebums, bacteria will multiply to consume on these then produces smells. Since we sleep 5 to 8 hours that's a lot of bacterias accumulated during this time. When we take bath early in the morning we remove this sweats, oily sebums, bacterias and smell off our body and we'll feel refresh again. Then when we ride to work our body will secrete sweats again and we will accumulate few bacteria down the road, however not as intense as the ones we accumulate during sleeping period so we don't smell much and felt less oily down the road due to fact bacteria have less time to multiply and consume our oily sebums on our skins. They can easily get wipe off immediat
ely with a simple soap and wet towels. Besides normal commuter would take between 30 to 50 minutes. With short cycling period combines with ventilated air circulate our bodies and good ventilated clothing bacterias wouldn't have chances to create much smelly odour on our skins and increase the sweat viscosity in time. Our upper torso such as our chest, arms and head produces lots of sweats than our entire body, so you can concentrate clean these parts with a soap and simple towel wipes. Basic thing to have for good body clean at workplace is a tower, a water bucket, soap and deodorant. So take bath before the riding to work at home and then you can do a simple towel wipe bath from normal basin at work place. Very easy!